Wednesday, December 2, 2015

im back.

It's been a while since i've blogged so i thought id try and "get back" into it. Of course after watching a vlog about a yter blogging, it really motivated me to get back into my blogging and designing days. It really is an amazing thing to be able to go back and see a self reflection of a younger self. Plus i really want to delay on my accounting discussion! :)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Final English Project

For my final english project, my professor called for a revision, of either a straight revision or a change of medium/genre. I decided to do a medium change and make it my final project and magazine like spread, since my bds project was fairly similar.
Here is what i have so far, feel free to comment for changes. :))

Front Cover, still in process

I had to ad some advertisements,

The next pages to follow, and the Table of contents. 

One of the articles im adding in. still in the process.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

Writing Response!

Martin Puryear:
Martin Puryear began is career in panting, drawing, print making and then sculpture. He has a various types of work, but his sculptures are intriguing to look at. Each of his pieces is all different in a way, yet they all connect to each other piece of work. Whether it is the overall form or the repetitive use of texture and technique, they all relate to tell a whole story. I feel that each of his pieces is communicating a bold and daring feeling. The pieces are simple yet the materials that are used tell the story, which is a different assortment of wood. He uses weaving as a form of composition and it feels very basket like. I get the sense of being close and connected. Martin Puryear took the time to think about each of his piece and how they will sit to display. He has three sets of work, one free standing, wall mounted, and monumental. Each of the work fit in either of these categories.
Kendall Buster:
Kendall Buster is a full time professor at Virginia Commonwealth University teaching in the Department of Sculpture and Extended Media. She is a sculptor with several of artworks spread across the world. From Washington, DC, New York City, Milwaukee, Kansas City, Idaho, Berlin, and South Africa. Buster’s has several collections to her name.  I find her artwork to be fascinating to look at. She has such a variety of work, I feel that she keep the overall concept the same, but manages to portray each artwork as its own individual. She has several pieces that actually hang which add another whole dimension to the work. I find these pieces more pleasing to look at because of the form of the artwork and how it is displayed and hung. Though not all of her artwork is hung, the pieces that do sit on the floor is equally pleasing to look at and interesting. I notice that majority of her artwork are of a round form, there is none that is really squared and whole. She also has negative spaces in her pieces, whether it is not closing the entire form of the piece or leaving gaps in-between the pieces, the negative space also adds a different feel to the artwork, it almost feels like a maze. Majority of Buster’s artwork are made of steel and different forms of cloths. Her craftsmanship is amazing. The lines are straight and even the curved lines are perfectly aligned with the crossing wires. When I look at Buster’s pieces I feel a sense of calmness and a softness of each artwork. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

oh you know, im just up late doing my English paper,
*writers block, its time for an English paper break!

on another note, today well technically yesterday,  i decided that i want to change the entire concept of my chair, -_- we'll see how that goes! yay! im hoping to start builing the final chair today with Kristi, so hopefully all goes well!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Project 2 of the chairs will be due next week! *yikes.
Time surely does fly by!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Today was the day our photo collage was due, here's my final results!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


i just bought a ticket to see Drake at the Sprint Center in March, 
but the ticket is for my sesster for her 31st birthday gift, im just sad that she is going to go by herself, lol

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

project 1,

First project of the semester, photo collage!
I wanted to use the view from my dorm room for my collage. Below are three ideas/mini collages i put together to guide me to my final collage that i will make! so far it turned out nice!